Welcome to Edith Creek Primary School

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Force, Carolyn
Principal – Carolyn Force

Welcome to Edith Creek Primary School. We are a small rural school of approximately 60 students, surrounded by the school farmland. This is a perfect setting for our students to access the curriculum through explicit teaching, outdoor learning and practical experiences.

Please take the time to have a look through our website, use our online contact forms, or contact the school if you would like to learn more.


BE YOUR BEST - We celebrate everyone being their best. We have high expectations for ourselves and others. We recognise that different people have different strengths and celebrate these strengths.

BE SAFE – We value every person’s right to feel and be safe. We recognise that each of us has a responsibility in ensuring everyone around us is safe.

BE RESPECTFUL - we treat everyone with respect. We look after our own and others belongings. We speak politely to everybody.

BE A TEAM - We work together as a team. We have class teams, small learning teams and the whole school team. Our teams can include students, staff, families and community members. We help to look after each other. We encourage each other and we all learn together.

BOUNCE BACK - We know that things don't always go the way we hoped. We bounce back and try again if we don’t get it right the first time. We know that sometimes we need to try again...and again...and again, and that each time we do, we learn a little bit more.

School Values

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